Preparing for the Big Clean: How to Get Carpet Ready for Carpet Cleaning

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by | Feb 21, 2023 | Our Blog | 0 comments

Preparing for the Big Clean: How to Get Carpet Ready for Carpet Cleaning

It’s time to break out the vacuum cleaner and get ready for that deep clean we all know our carpets need! But before you can even think about carpet cleaning, there are a few essential steps to take. Here’s everything you need to know on how to get your carpet ready for carpet cleaning.

First Step to getting your carpet ready for carpet cleaning

The first step to getting your carpet ready is vacuuming. This is important because vacuuming will remove dirt, dust, hair, and other loose particles that have built up in your carpets over time. Vacuuming also helps reduce the amount of allergens in your home, which is great news if anyone in your family suffers from allergies or asthma!

First Step to getting your carpet ready for carpet cleaning

Second Step to getting your carpet ready for carpet cleaning

The next step is spot cleaning. Spot cleaning involves carefully targeting areas of the carpet that require special attention because they are stained or otherwise soiled. You can use a store-bought solution specifically designed for spot cleaning carpets or make your own solution with simple ingredients like white vinegar and dish soap. Be sure to test any product on an inconspicuous area of the carpet before applying it everywhere else.

Second Step to getting your carpet ready for carpet cleaning

Third Step to getting your carpet ready for carpet cleaning

Finally, it’s time for pre-treatment. Pre-treatment is an extra step that involves applying a specialized chemical solvent designed to loosen dirt from carpets fibers and help them come clean more easily during the actual steam cleaning process. These solvents usually come in liquid form but can also be found as aerosols and gels – just read the label carefully before using them so you understand their proper usage instructions!

Preparing for the Big Clean: How to Get Carpet Ready for Carpet Cleaning

After taking these steps, you should be good to go when it comes time for professional carpet cleaning! Whether you do it yourself or hire a pro, getting your carpet ready ahead of time will ensure that you get the best possible results from whatever method of deep clean you choose. Happy (carpet) cleaning!

​By following these steps—vacuuming, spot cleaning, and pre-treating—you will be able to prepare your carpets for professional steam cleaning with ease! With a little bit of elbow grease and some careful planning, you can have sparklingly clean carpets in no time at all. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start prepping those carpets!​​​​​

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Need your carpets or furniture cleaned? Want to get rid of some junk? We offer a wide range of services including carpet, upholstery cleaning & more.

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